Fri Abah 7th September 2023

30 years. That's how long you've been gone. 30 years of missing you, 30 years of growing up without you, 30 years of pain. Still feels like yesterday though. We talk about you as if you just stepped out of the room, we laugh and cry at the same time. We never forget. Every time we had to walk down the aisle, we never forgot. Every time we had a baby, we never forgot. Every time we named another Cho, we never forgot. Every time we reached a milestone, we never forgot. Every time we hurt, cried and needed someone to talk to, we never forgot. Today, you're Grandpa 13 times over but you're not here to witness how much your girls have grown. I have no doubt that you would have been proud. We've been through heartaches and disappointments and all we could think about is, if you were around, things would have been different. People say the dead are in a better place. How can that be when you left all your loved ones behind? How can that be when the hole in our hearts refuses to close up? How can that be when you left so much unfinished work behind? How can that be when all those who love you are still here, missing you. How can that be, when all you left behind is heart-wrenching pain? I have so many questions but I know I'll never get any answers. After all, who are we to question God? He takes and He gives. Alas, we all are just passing through this world, so we're hopeful to someday see you again. Rest on, Papa. Your legacy lives on.